Top photo: Buyers from Seattle's Bon Marche in New York
Left: Shoe Buyer Frank Sullivan wants 10,000 pairs of low-heeled shoes, will probably get them, with delays. This year 50% of his shoe budget is for "sensible" shoes, against 5% normally.
Right: Stocking Buyer Harriet Norman orders all sheer rayons she can get. Bon Marche stocking sales increased nearly 100% in 1942 over 1939. Store sells as many as 300 dozen pairs daily.

Life November 30, 1942
I love these views at history!
The Bon Marche, a northwest institution, is, alas, gone. It was purchased by Macy's just a few years ago, and the transformation is now complete and the name will become a memory.
That is so interesting, Flag Gazer. I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing an important piece of history with us.
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