Today's meditation is dedicated to us, and to others like us. Survivors.
The word is full of meaning.
I can't thank you all enough for your prayers. I have felt much better today and it sounds as if Sgt Rett is good to go himself.
We needed you guys, and you were there for us.
Semper Fi,
January 11
CRY unto Me, and I will hear you and bless you. Use My unlimited stores for your needs and those of others. Seek My wonderful truths and you shall find.
There may come times when you sit in silence, when it seems as if you were left alone. Then, I command--command--you to remember I have spoken to you, as I spoke at Emmaus.
But there was the time in the Upper Room, after My Ascension, when My disciples had to comfort themselves by saying, "Did He not speak to us by the way?"
You will have the consciousness of My Presence when you hear no voice. Abide in that Presence. "I am the light of the world," but sometimes in tender pity, I withhold too glaring a light, lest in its dazzling brightness, you should miss your daily path and work.
Not until Heaven is reached, do souls sit and drink in the ecstasy of God's revelation to His Own. At the moment you are pilgrims and need only your daily marching orders, and strength and guidance for the day.
Oh! Listen to My Voice, eagerly, joyfully. Never crowd it out. I have no rival claimants and if men seek the babble of the world, then I withdraw.
Life has hurt you. Only scarred lives can really save
You cannot escape the discipline. It is the hallmark of discipleship. My children, trust Me always. Never rebel.
The trust given to Me to-day, takes away the ache of rejection of My love, that I suffered on earth, and have suffered through the ages. "I died for you, My children, and could you treat Me so?"
Russell, A. J., ed. God Calling. Barnes & Noble, 2002.
I'm so glad I had the time to look at your site again today! That was a beautiful and moving piece, tears streaming down my face. I am so thrilled to see the faces of people who live in my heart. You are a tiny little thing. Rett looks so young. My heart just aches for Rett, he truly is an extraordinary young man. Today a Mother on one of my support groups said last summer when her son left for boot camp she asked the group "Why does my son want to be a Marine" She said the responses were overwhelming and every one touched her so deeply. She also said she complied them to a list and posted them. I cannot open the file, so I emailed and told her of Sgt. Rett and asked if there was a way she could please forward those to me. I'm hoping the letters will lift his spirits and help make his job a little easier. I really would like to print the letters out, and mail them to him at his recruiting office along with the book "keeping Faith", some home made goodies, and anything else I think would cheer him up. It's so little compared to what he has done for my Family and America but it truley is an honor to do something for our Military and our beloved Gold Star families. Thanks again for sharing another wonderful piece of your life with us.
Oh, Diane, you are just incredible. I know it will touch me deeply and really encourage Sgt Rett! Oh, of course!
And you are so good to share your life with so many.
We'll leave a message to find out his address. He can email one of us. The last time I emailed him, it came back and all I know is that he's in Iowa. He keeps in touch with Doc some, but I'm sure he won't have his new address.
You are so good, Diane. Thank you, and visit often. I'm a big picture person!
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