On a night long ago, a young virgin gave birth to a son. Her husband, Joseph, who did not yet know her as a wife, loved Mary and the Father more than he loved himself. He humbled himself and raised the baby Jesus as his own.
When Jesus was around twelve, He began to go off on His own to meditate and seek Father God's will and instruction. He is the living Son of God .
Because He was obedient unto death and shed his blood for the sin of the world, I live in hope rather than despair over the son I gave birth to so many years ago who also willingly gave his life, but he did not take on our sin.
Each of us have someone in our lives who gives to all of us whether we realize it or not. That is the Father.
And the troops fight to hold on to what the Father has blessed us with. Thank you US troops.
And thank you, Father God for all that you give me. It defies explanation.But because of it I listen to the birds and watch as God cares for them. I smile as they tend each other one minute and argue the next. Who can set them in formation in the heavens?
Who can create such a thing?! The Same as the One Who gave me Aaron, and took Aaron, and miraculously feeds me with hope that I will one day live with my son; fearless of ever losing him again. It is a faith that cannot be artificially produced in turbulent times such as these.
We search for it all our earthly lives, yet it goes against our very nature to believe the best is yet to be. We've suffered too much to be so silly as that. So, no, I can't manipulate the Holy Spirit into my life, but He very much asks to be invited in, and when I invite Him in, He comes.
It's as simple as that.
Thank you Father God for giving us Your Son, Jesus, and thank you, Jesus, for sending us the Comforter, The Holy Spirit.
And bless you, Mary. I know how you must've hurt. Thank you for being obedient unto God and blessing us with The First Christmas.
Gunz up wishes, really, really wishes all of you a very safe and joyful Christmas.
Maybe Aaron says hi, I don't know. My wind chimes just hollered at me for a quick minute.
The wind has finally settled down. As it does.
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