Wednesday, December 27, 2006


In August of 1942, the first major USMC assault landings against the Japanese Empire occurred in the Solomon Islands, Pacific. The island chosen for the invasion was Guadalcanal.

As they moved inland, four Marines were walking point into the jungle. Advancing into an open area without cover, they came under heavy fire from the entrenched Japanese. All four Marines were wounded but managed to crawl into a shell crater, about fifty yards from where they had emerged from the jungle.

A Hospital Corpsman ran from cover into the crater with the wounded Marines, and ran back to cover, under fire. Having dressed the wounds of the Marine, he sprinted back for another, only this time he was hit. Not stopping to dress his own wounds, he carried the second Marine to cover receiving a second wound. After giving aid to the Marine, the Corpsman was hit for a third time going into the crater. Staggering toward the treeline with the third Marine, he was again struck by enemy fire.

When the third Marine's wounds were dressed, the Corpsman started after the last Marine in the crater. The Corpsman still had not stopped to care for his own wounds. In a final valiant effort, he stumbled toward the crater, where he was brought down by concentrated enemy machine gun fire. He lunged forward into the crater falling across the fourth Marine, finally giving up his life.

Reaching up to his own bleeding wounds, the Marine wrote on the back of the Corpsman's bullet riddled shirt,


This was that dying Marine's final tribute to his shipmate's supreme sacrifice in fulfilling his oath,


Steve Ramos said...

This is just one example of why our country is great. We're a blessed nation because of men like this.

Anonymous said...

You guys are too much, now you're embarrassing me. :) Nice work, thank you. Take Care
Doc Duty

De'on Miller said...

Thanks, Doc. I appreciate you coming by. There will continue to be more and more pinpointed your way.

I'm also doing a "Blood Is Thicker Than Water" series where I'm tracing 4/12 and 2/1 Marines in the Pacific during WWII. I flip-flop from my great uncle's battles back to 2/1. Right now it's Guadalcanal. After several posts on it, I'll go back to Uncle Lonnie's next battle which will be Guam. Iwo Jima will wrap up that particular sub-group of the series, at which time I'll cut straigt into the war on terror. As much as possible, I'd like to see what 4/12 (which is different now) was doing during the time we've been over there.

At that point, I'll be able to stick strictly with 2/1 when it's Aaron's unit's time up and not have to go "divisional" as much as now. In other words, it will be much more personal.

I have no idea how long it will take me to get there, but I've got time as far as I know.

While I look at my blood relatives' battles, I want to bring in the work of those who work with the Marines. The Seabees and Corpsmen should not be hard to tie in some way.

It makes sense in my head, but I'm sure I have everyone else confused!

"To Be" involves the Seabees, with the focus on LT. Rich's unit when possible, and then of course, "Docs Duty" will be about Corpsmen, watching you whenever possible!

When I finish up with that, I'd like to check out Korea and Vietnam, as well as shorter shots of service members and veterans who've served, in battle or not.

We're just here to honor you all as much as possible as well as be able to share in or with the sacrifice of war. For all of us.

I think Steve is going to handle the Medal of Honor rcpts. and I will just pull in whatever looks good in the middle of the night!

Which I need to change, but it is so peaceful. Well, I need to be working on some posts and instead I'm writing a book to you in the comment section.

We do appreciate the opportunity to honor you. We want to honor, really honor as many as we can for as long as we do this.

Love you,

P.S. I'm looking for a Marine gunner to do strictly gummer news and info. Active, veteran, it doesn't matter. I was hoping Sgt. Knipper could help. We'll see.

If anyone is interested in this, let me know. We will have a website in about a week. Steve's working on it now, and the title as well as the address will be Gunz Up.

So, a lot going on!

De'on Miller said...

I just looked how long my comment was.


Wake up!