Questions for LT Rich:
1. Where exactly was this Rich?
2. When you say special ops, who exactly are you referring to?
3. How many were quartered here?
Writings and musings on the eccentric beauty of sacrifice. Come journey and write with us. We are resolved to capture something positive in a troubled world and laugh when we can along the way. This, then, is dedicated in Loving Memory to LCpl. Aaron C. Austin, USMC KIA Fallujah, Iraq on April 26, 2004. Rock On...
1. Where exactly was this Rich?
2. When you say special ops, who exactly are you referring to?
3. How many were quartered here?
This was a camp up the road from Hit, where we repaired the bridge.
Most of the guys we shared quarter with were OGA (Other than Government Agencies). There were also Civil Affairs. While we were preping for the bridge repair, we did some improvments to their living quarters. They wanted me to leave a few of my Bees behind with them for a few months when we were done with the bridge. I could see trying to explain that one to my CO.
Are OGA's like contractors and such?
Thanks for your time, Rich. Don't let it put any pressure on you.
But we do enjoy hearing from you.
The OGA's there were CIA.
I've loved reading your site and all the energy you put into it. Happy New Year!
alrighty, then.
And thanks, Rich. I do love it here.
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