To Be ... Two Two in ...
Haditha, Iraq (Nov. 28, 2005) - U.S. Navy Steelworker 2nd Class Jesus Cepeda, left, explains how to control an air conditioner to an Iraqi Security Force (ISF) soldier at an ISF camp. Cepeda is assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Two Two (NMCB-22) a reserve battalion headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, activated in July in support of the global war on terrorism. U.S. Navy photo by Journalist 1st Class Leslie A. Shively (RELEASED)

051128-N-3750S-269 Haditha, Iraq (Nov. 28, 2005) - U.S. Navy Equipment Operator 3rd Class Michael Martin, left, hands Steelworker 2nd Class Jesus Cepeda the tools he needs to continue installing an air conditioner at an Iraqi Security Force (ISF) camp. Martin and Cepeda are assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Two Two (NMCB-22) a reserve battalion headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, activated in July in support of the global war on terrorism. U.S. Navy photo by Journalist 1st Class Leslie A. Shively (RELEASED)Source for full story.
When we first arrive in country, I traveled to Haditha to meet with the Marines and iron out the projects 22 would work on there. This is where I experienced my first rocket attack.
After returning to Al Asad, I selected the Chief and few Seabees that would spend the better part of their deployment there in the dam. I'm sure they loved me for that.
No doubt. How long, I wonder, does it take to get used to the noise of the weapons? I wonder if you do.
Well, the mortars you couldn't hear until they were just about to hit, but the rockets had the whistling sound. I know I'll never for get it.
I told Karen the story. I was doing a walk-through of the ISF (Iraqi Security Force) camp that we were going to finish building with a Marine Captain when the whistling came. The Captain yelled incoming and hit the ground. I stood there like a dumb ass for a second before I realized what was going on and then hit the ground too. I'll never forget the surreal feeling of lying there and thinking 'I can't believe I'm laying here waiting to see if this damn thing hits me or not'.
I can't even imagine. Aaron was jumpier after he got back for sure, and his hearing was going some too.
Yea, its funny how even a door slamming that shakes the building can make you think 'hmmm that sounded a little like incoming'. And how you tend to look up under and around the overpasses when driving past...even though you know nothing is there. I guess its like, once you learn not to step on a crack, you just can't help but think about it when you see one.
haha...there was one night a couple of weeks after I got home. I was sleeping and a big thunderstorm was passing over. You guessed it...lightning hit and the louder than usual thunder shook the house. I was in one of those states where you wake up, still half asleep, you can't see anything, and don't really know where you are. So there I was on the floor next to the bed wondering where the hell my flack was.
A WWII vet we talked to said they got where they could hear it coming before it got there. Our bodies and minds are something, huh?
Thanks for everything, Rich. Happy New Year!
Fight or Flight response. God made our bodies and minds wonderfully to be able to handle the stresses we put them through. Your body will probably never forget that training, Rich. Thank you again for your service to us and our Country. So good to have you home this Christmas and New Year.
Yeah Rich...Virgie Bell is forever grateful to you for your service to our wonderful country and I am glad you are home...Karen could mention your name and go to crying while you were in Iraq...I guess all of the families of the soldiers and marines feel this big part of their heart just lump up when we think of you...Your Mom and Dad did such a fine job raising you kids I congradulate them on a job well done!!!!
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