Hen was Aaron's dog. Aaron bought him when he was 8 wks. old. Aaron was a junior in high school, so Hen is getting a bit aged. He and I work at about the same speed and are pretty big buds.

Next is Isaac. He'd be the perfect dog if he wasn't so skiddish and jealous. He is the most loving and loyal animal I've ever been around. He's hard to explain, you'd just have to get to know him, but he'd probably nip at your heels before you got the chance. He's great with us, but nips at Hen's feet all the time. Hen's not crazy about the herding act and finally ends up going off on Isaac. We have a full house sometimes.

Aaahh, isn't she precious? She's been my precious darling angel kitty since 1993. I rescued her when she was two weeks old. She's paid me back well for it. I love her. Yes, she's the biggest witch in the world, but it suits her, you know?

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