Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Prayer For The Ford Family

May our Father console you during this time of loss and give you peace. Father, receive our former president whose courageous acts helped our country to heal during a difficult time, and send your angels to minister to his family. May they know we are a nation that is grateful for his dedication and service to our great land. He was a warrior who fought for his country, and we honor him. Spread your peace over the Ford family and grant them healing. Bless our nation, Father. Bless President Ford.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful prayer - thank you, Steve.
I found the prayer that President Ford said everyday and posted it on my blog.

Steve Ramos said...

President Ford was critized for pardoning Nixon, but it was a courageous act that put our nation on the road to recovery from Watergate. Today, President Ford is applauded for that act. But you know, it's easy to do something when it's popular. It's something again to do it when it's not. President Ford was a good man who performed well during a crisis.