Greg & Mom
Those who've served near Ramadi, lived in my husband's native state and Karen
Texas Football Fans, to include: Roy, Zach, Gary & Dad. Amherst, Texas
The photo is for Donna, Jerrod, Michael.
Karen, again, for sure. Also DAR members everywhere, Ft. Mead, and Granbury (did I spell that right?), TX
Karen and Steve. Geez, Karen.
Flag Gazer.
Oh, sure. Give us more homework!
Busy hands are happy hands.
Idolness is the devil's workshop.
Name one other cliche.
Bet you think I like Jepordy, well, I don't. I don't know anything, but I want my students to be the smartest in the world.
Back to the salt mines. (You still have to name a cliche.)
Question: What is a cliche?
Okay. I'll quit. Here.
I loved my gifties! I did 2 puzzles and got 6 out of 10 on my armorment quiz. Not bad for being a civilian and a girl.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!
Cliche: An expression or idea that has become trite!
What a Drill Seargent!
I swear I'm gonna get that crowbar out and whack Karen on the knees with it if she keeps beating me. Dadgum girl!!
Ooooh, a little surliness? You have to get up pretty early in the morning to catch me peeking throught your windowsill! hee hee, (I heard that years ago and always wanted to say it.) Good, healthy Competition! Happy New Year Steve!
Greg says: "Karen's competitive." He says it with pride and kinship. It's his highest compliment.
You are all perfect.
You are all perfect.
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