Sunday, January 28, 2007

Low Ambitions

Do you remember me telling you that God Calling got me through Basic Training?

I've been reading it since October '87 (B.T. started in Feb. '88) and even with reading it nearly every day, it continues to hold fresh hope and promise for me. In case it does for any of you, that's why I post it regularly. When we get to, I'm going to keep it posted everyday, if at all possible.


January 28

FEAR not. Do not fear to be busy. You are the servant of all. "He that would be the greatest among you, let him be the servant of all."

Service is the word of My disciples. I served indeed, the humblest, the lowliest. I was at their command. My highest powers were at their service.

Be used. Be used by all, by the lowest, the smallest. How best can you serve? Let that be your daily seeking, not how best can you be served.

Truly man's thoughts are not God's thoughts, nor man's ways, God's way. When you seek to follow Me in all, it frequently means a complete reversion of the way of the world you have hitherto followed. But it is a reversion that leads to boundless happiness and peace.

Look around you, read what is being written. What do you find? Do the aims and ambitions that man strives for bring peace, or the world's awards bring heart-rest and happiness. No! indeed, man is at war with man. Those whom the world has morst rewarded, with name, fame, honour, wealth, are weary and disappointed.

And yet, to the listening ear, above the jangle of the world's discordant cries, there echoes down the 1900 years My message, "Come unto Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."

And the weary and disappointed who listen and turn to Me find indeed that rest. Joy of the Weary I am, Music to the Heart I am, Health to the Sick, Wealth to the Poor, Food to the Hungry, Home to the Wanderer, Rapture to the Jaded, Love to the Lonely.

There is not one want of the soul, that I do not supply for the asking, and to you too, I long to be all.

Russell, A. J., ed., God Calling. Barnes & Noble, 2002

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