David Danelo's new book, Blood Stripes, comes on the market at exactly the right time. Just as Americans are trying to understand what might have happened at Haditha, where Marines may have killed as many as fifteen Iraqi civilians, Danelo offers a thoughtful and insightful look into the Iraq war through the eyes of enlisted Marines. Until recently a Marine Corps infantry captain, Danelo served at Fallujah and obviously thought a great deal about what he saw there.
Unusually for a first-hand, “live reporter” style author, Danelo picks up quickly on one of the most important issues in military theory, the contradiction between the military culture of order and the disorderliness of war. In Blood Stripes' first chapter, he writes,
Non-commissioned officers…assume responsibility for imbuing the (Spartan) Way's sacred tenets of Order and Disorder into every young boot that crosses their path. Finding the balance within this dichotomy is tricky; both cultures exert a strong pull on Marines. The twins call like sirens from opposite banks of a river, singing for the Marine to listen to their virtues and ignore their vices.
The culture of Order is the Marine in dress blues, spotless and pristine, medals perfectly measured, hair perfectly trimmed…these types of things comprise the culture that is Orderly, functional, prepared and disciplined…
However,…combat is filled with uncertainties, half-truths, bad information, changing directives from seemingly incompetent higher headquarters, and unexplained explosions. War is chaos, the ultimate form of Disorder.
Blood Stripes quickly immerses its reader in the chaos of infantry combat in Iraq, which, too often, is combat against an unseen enemy.
Barely three weeks into their deployment, 3rd Platoon had already discovered several IEDs throughout Husaybah. Thus far, they had managed to find a couple of them using an unconventional, dangerous, and effective technique: kick them….
(Sgt.) Soudan approached the plywood. He was standing about eight feet away.
Everything went black…
Because the explosion was close to the base, the medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) happened quickly….
The patrol stepped off. They were heading east, father away from base camp.
Three minutes passed.
From the sound of the explosion, Soudan knew this latest IED had hit south, on the street 3 rd Squad was patrolling….
Link called Soudan. “We're on our way.”
Ten seconds passed.
Link's squad.
Experiences like these at the small unit level -- by the end of the patrol, these Marines had been hit by five IEDs -- provide some context in which those of us stateside can put events like the supposed massacre in Haditha. So does a story later in the book, where Marines engaged mujahideen in a prolonged and vicious fire-fight:
Sergeant Soudan, Corporal Link, and Lieutenant Carroll were standing in the back of a humvee. After triaging the wounded from the dead, they had placed the bodies of Gibson, Valdez, and Smith in the humvee with VanLeuven. The Recon Marines ran up, muscling the body of the other dead Marine into the vehicle.
Soudan, Link, and Carroll looked at their fallen comrade.
Their faces went white.
Captain Gannon.
Lima Six was dead.
They killed our company commander. Pain switched to fury and an immediate demand for vengeance. These -------- killed Captain Gannon.
Blood Stripes does not paint a picture of an easy war. As a Marine officer said to me many years ago, “If your unit is the one getting ambushed, it's not low intensity war.” The Marines whose stories Danelo ably chronicles, and the thousands of others like them, have gone through hell in Iraq, a Fourth Generation hell where enemies are nowhere and everywhere. No military, not even the Marine Corps, can endure that kind of hell endlessly without beginning to crack, at least around the edges. It should not surprise us that cracks are now appearing, three years into the war.
One personal note: Danelo rightly reports that Marines, inspired by Steven Pressfield's brilliant novel Gates of Fire, like to see themselves as Spartans, which in some ways they are. As an Athenian, I have to point out that the battle of Themopylae, however deathless a tale of valor, was nonetheless a Persian victory in the end. In contrast, at Salamis, Persia was decisively defeated by Athenian deception and maneuver. Sometimes, it helps to think as well as fight.
*** About the author
A former U.S. Marine Corps infantry officer, David J. Danelo deployed to Camp Fallujah, Iraq in 2004 with I MEF. Danelo left active duty in November 2004 and now splits his professional time between consulting and freelance writing. His first book BLOOD STRIPES: The Grunt's View of the War in Iraq, which profiles Marine NCOs in the war, was published in May 2006.
Thanks for the heads up on this book. I'm going to get it. It sounds great.
It does sound good, and he was with 1MEF
This day is forever etched into the memory of those who fought it. My stepson TJ Wilson was one of the brave young men there that day. This has brought back the tears I and other moms and Marines shared that day. I pray that someday I will be able to purchase this book as Capt. Gannon was a great, great man and TJ looked up to him with the upmost respect. Thank God that today TJ is still with us and out of this horrific day was born Lubbock Marine Parents.
Blondiebee, the hairs are standing up on my arms from the chill bumps your words have just brought over me.
God bless precious, TJ, and thank God that good things will always come from the bad, if we allow it.
Your organization has brought so much good, thank you. Thank you for sharing this message and your personal stake in it. I'm ordering books today, and this one will definitely be in it.
God bless you and the Lubbock Marines Parents!
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