Monday, November 27, 2006

Dear Mom

I come, bearing gifts.

You know that Dad is beautiful to me, just as you are. And I've told about his cancer before, Mom. I don't like writing it over and over. Dad was diagnosed 4 days before Aaron was killed. I've written a personal essay (so long ago) about this time of our lives that Dad and I shared.

You can be sure that every reader here either has a mom or dad or grandmother or grandfather that is just as beautiful to them as you are to me. Your age and all that it brings is 'art still in making.' You are beautiful to me now, Mom, more than ever.

The other day, on our drive, I looked down at your left hand, nestled against my right forearm, and I felt a tenderness so deep within me; it startled me. That wrinkled hand was so beautiful and so human, yes, like your flowers, the time draws nearer and nearer for me to be without my Mother. Unless nature tricks you too, again.

I have grown used to my dad's aging. It's been a process of many years. And for many years, Dad has surprised me with his strength and resolve. It's a new thing to think of my mother aging. You have been one of the strengths of my life.

As far as your eyes being shut; that quickly exits into the archives. But you know how we used to joke about it at Christmas and stuff. We have our memories of those things that were always. ;)

I watch in love's amazement, my mother and father aging. Just as you both watch me age, but love me the same as when you first held me. This, truly is the eccentric beauty of sacrifice.

Your gifts are highlighted below. I love you.

Christina's World

The Praying Hands

National Gallery of Art

Kathe Kollwitz: bio

Kollwitz: Self Portrait, Drawing, 1933. Charcoal on brown laid Ingres paper 18-1/4 "x 25". (Rosenwald Collection at NGA)


Anonymous said...

Your mother loves you and I love to read what you write. After seeing my picture I realize I was never as beautiful as I thought I was ...oh by the way Jerry ordered the pink desert rose pattern dishes for me so you are all free to shop to your hearts content..He even got the tea pot and cream and sugar bowl to match...I'm so glad I've been a good girl this year,so you may tell your brother and sister and Zack the tight wad that you may buy gifts of your choosing and when you do...please remember that I have been very very good..Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the lay-out you put here my sister. Very creative. Jerry has given you everything your heart has desired. It must be nice to be so nice. Did coffee cups come with this set? I would imagian that even hot tea cups came with your set. ha Love ya'll. Mom tell Santa that his only grand daughters spring ballet costumes are due the first of Dec. I wonder if Santa's bag is looking limp.

De'on Miller said...

You're killing me, Lisa. LOL You're so funny and what do we do now? About her gifties, I mean?