Thursday, November 30, 2006

Virgie Bell's View

I understand where De'on is coming from when she writes about my vote not to use tax money for homes for low income people. I also know how she feels about hurting the majority to please the few. I believe with all my heart that helping others in time of need is required of those who prosper, but I have been around for a long time, and the Kenneth Lays of this world have just about done me in. Believe me, they are everywhere.

As you know, I have come to the point in my life where I accept only what I believe to be directed by God’s word. I'm certain that I disobey what I interpret, or misinterpret, every day. I have no righteousness at all other than that filthy cloth just like everyone. You of all people know what a relief it was when Greg told me that God looks only at the heart. When I do that, I am content.

We have all read in the Bible about beating swords into plowshares, but what about the passage that comes at a later date in the book of Joel 3:11? “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decisions is for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” The translation is valley of judgment. Joel was a prophet and was using the language of his time. I believe that today it is anything the prince of the power of the air can throw at us, and that is unlimited. Be it planes, missiles, floods or tornadoes, the whole lot of it.

I know there will be worse coming; if nothing else global warming will finally come. It is not here yet. We are still traveling around in that desert of confusion. Oh the children of Israel have finally come home. They have finally come back to the homeland, the one given to them by God, and nowhere have I read God has taken it away. I know he took the Jews away from their homeland. The same God is over us all. I know he resides in our hearts.

I believe spiritually is something that tastes sweet in the mouth and is bitter to the belly afterward -- a conflict, in other words. I am tired of the Jim Baker and Tammy Fayes or the immoral slugs who want us to allow men to have relationships with our 12-year-old boys. I have a deep distrust of late term abortions. I stayed out of the fray for years, but when you say a woman has a right to choose and will, by damn, kill a baby a-borning, then I am saying “not on my watch.” Suddenly you put something in my face, and my dad taught me "Any SOB can pin you to the wall, but it is your fault if you let that SOB push you through that wall.”

It is the duty of man to fear God and keep His commandments. I know what I feel is in the hearts of people even though they may not have the ability to read the Bible and translate it. On my very best day I am never as decent as Otto Dean or my Lisa. I know it is not within me to live as unselfishly as those two people. I am glad Greg cancelled your vote as I am sure that someone else cancelled his and mine. That is the way it is supposed to work.

When I lived in Littlefield I would go to my mother’s house and would watch the Democratic Convention with her. Mother and Daddy were yellow dog, and Mother knew exactly when the final vote was cast for or against her party, and she knew immediately. I was at her house when the voters spoke, and George H. W. Bush was elected. I remember distinctly that she slapped the table top with her hand and said, “The American people have spoken. George Bush is my president, and I'm behind him 100 percent.” It kind of makes me proud even now that she raised me.


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