Friday, December 01, 2006

Military Humor

This has nothing to do with the week of Dec. 7 or the war in Iraq, but I was thinking about some of the funny things that happened when I was in the Air Force.

I was at Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas, when a F4 tornado destroyed a large part of the city. We had plenty of warning because the tornado touched down a little ways out of town. It moved into the city and destroyed several square miles of homes and commercial property. The destruction was severe, and Air Force personnel jumped in to help with the clean up.

Some buddies and I were helping an elderly couple sift through the rubble that was once their home. Very little was left of their property, and I was amazed that the couple survived. They were in good humor, though, just happy to be alive.

"There's nothing left of your house," I said in amazement. "How did you survive the tornado?"

The elderly woman giggled and said, "Well, we just got in the bathtub and put a mattress over ourselves."

"That must have been horrible," I said.

The elderly woman grinned. "Oh, honey. We've been married over 50 years, and that's the first time he's ever gotten in the tub with me."

1 comment:

De'on Miller said...

What a sense of humor during this time. I remember this tornado. My brother Gary was in Wichita Falls then. The destruction was enormous.