Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bring Out The Guns

Greg and I went to town today, armed with a grocery list from De'on and instructions to return with a perfect Christmas tree. We maneuvered Wal-Mart's aisles and managed to avoid running the elderly and children into the ground with our cart. It wasn't an easy feat because Greg had the cart heaped to the ceiling with De'on's provisions. By the time the last item on the list was crossed out, we pretty much needed a team of oxen to pull the cart to the check out line.

While we were driving home, Greg and I talked about our country's responsibilities for the war in Iraq. Our candor wouldn't endear us to our fellow citizens whose commitment to being politically correct outweighs their commitment to preserving the freedom we enjoy as Americans.

Greg and I believe that our war efforts are hobbled by those who insist that we treat the enemy with tenderness and understanding and that we extend olive branches to a people who repeatedly demonstrate they long ago abandoned any resemblence to anything human.

The enemy delcared war on us, and they're the ones who said it's a holy war, but we shy away from saying that this war has religious connections. We didn't delcare war on Islam, Islam declared war on us. Why are scared to admit it? The Islamic extremists operate without regard to civilized rules, but we're expected to fight them while our gloved hands are handcuffed to politcal correctness. We need to take off the gloves and let the enemy feel our unrestrained power.

During World War II, the enemy was portrayed as ... the enemy. Americans had no problems with identifying our enemies as a force that had to be destroyed. The terms for peace that the Allies submitted to Germany, Japan and Italy were unconditional surrender. We would accept nothing less, for we were convinced they were evil regimes who could not be allowed to survive.

We are now at war with another evil regime that hides beneath a cloak of religion. If Islam is a religion of peace as some say, then why haven't the majority of Muslims screamed in outrage at the hijacking of their faith by the extremists? Where is the anger? Where is the collective determination of the Muslims to eradicate the monsters who have put an evil face on their faith? Instead, there is silence from the Muslims. Again, they are the ones who said they are fighting a holy war against us. OK. Fine. Then blow them off the face of the earth. Isn't that what we do in war? Level their cities. Isn't that what we do in war. They'd level ours if they had the weapons to do it, and our complacency and apathy is going to ensure that they will one day have the weapons to attack our cities with weapons other than hijacked civilian planes.

Let's support our military in every way possible. Let's give the Islamic extremists the war they are so determined to wage. Sometimes a pest just has to be exterminated.


Anonymous said...

LOL A massive list from De'on huh?

Yeah I agree with your post completely. I get so angry that my eyes cross sometimes thinking how ignorant some folks are in this country. What on earth happened that would change so much in regards to how the vast majority of any rational American used to think back in the day? WW2 era in particuar? It's called liberalism IMO and it's nothing short of sickening...

De'on Miller said...

It wasn't that long of a list. Most of the stuff was Greg's. He's hideously high maintenance!

De'on Miller said...

Yes, I did have to get my own. It didn't taste as good as when Greg does it for me! LOL. Greg's a keeper, and I'll have you well trained if you stick around very long.

Please remember to put Sarah's bowl of water back in the shower in the morning. She was parched this afternoon from you failing to fill up her little water bowl in the tub. :[

De'on Miller said...

Sadaam Kitty or Precious Angel Darling Baby Girl...take your pick!

Anonymous said...

I agree were not fighting about religion. Isn't that what America is all about. Freedom! 9-11 isn't that why? President Bush said we are going after them all. We got started attacking our enemies. I feel that were playing the game cat and mouse. I hate seeing the fallen faces on the news, we need to get back to war. The last time I held Lance Corporal Aaron Austin, somewhere in my heart I knew the war would take him away forever from this Earth. We need to have big arms around Iraq. This pick and choose is getting 2 years old. Can't we have huge headlines and get these babies home where they belong...until the next one.