Saturday, February 24, 2007

Docs Duty: Major Bea writes to supporters ...

This email was sent to Doc Duty. He was good enough to forward it to me (since I'm always asking!). The photos show all the "extra" ways our troops serve.

I've asked Doc Duty to get me the address of OPERATION OUTREACH.

We'll let the Major speak.



Every once in a while you are blessed with the ability to make a difference and do something extraordinary. Today the TMC at Camp Phoenix had the opportunity to make a difference in a young boy’s life. Funding from Operation Outreach, your donations of clothing and the staff at TMC Phoenix made today’s heart-wrenching event a rewarding memory.

Homad is a 2 y. o. boy who somehow got up into a burn barrel and couldn’t get out. He was treated by the local hospital and monitored for two weeks. They couldn't do anymore for him and therefore he was released. The father was concerned that he wasn't getting the care he needed and showed up at our front gate. Our medics took one look at him and immediately brought him to the TMC. Homad was given some pain medicine and his burns were treated and wrapped. We all put our heads together and worked out a way to get him to the Cure Hospital in Kabul for their Burn Treatment Center. Homad was given some socks for when he is better and a sweatshirt to keep him warm. We were able to arrange for a taxi to take him to the Cure Hospital after his ambulance ride to the front gate.

These pictures will break your heart as they did everyone involved, they are graphic but do tell a story that is improving thanks to you. Your donations, support of the troops, and all of the clothing have once again worked miracles.

On behalf of the Camp Phoenix TMC and TF Phoenix, Thank you, Maj. Bea


Anonymous said...

He is such a beautiful child, tears are streaming down my face. This is proof that Angels do walk this earth, sometimes in the form of our troops. I couldn't be more proud know you, Doc Duty, and everyone there with you. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story and most of all, thank you for being you!

De'on Miller said...

There are so many good people in the world. Karen, you're one of them. Because of you and the time you took to "play" either 30 children who look much like Homad, will have shoes on their little feet, or 15 of them will have rain boots.

Thanks, sweetie! And Doc said we could send clothes to his address and he'd see to it that they got to the right place.