Multiple Choice= 4 pts. each for a total of 20 pts.
1. This poster depicts:
a. USN Ensign George Gay Torpedo Sqd. 8 dropping his torpedo at the Battle of Midway. After clearing carrier deck he is shot down, rear gunner was already dead and the rest of Torpedo Squadron 8 have all been shot down. Ensign George Gay would be forever known from this day on as "Sole Survivor".
b. The Capture of U-505 by USS Guadalcanal on June 4, 1944
c. The Japanese tried again the next day, this time with 27 "Betty" bombers fitted with aerial torpedoes and an escort of 15 "Zeros".
d. none of the above
2. Michael Reagan
a. is the Artist of Fallen Heroes Project
b. was the sole survivor of the Torpedo Squadron 8
c. De’on’s First Sergeant in Panama
d. both a & b
3. General MacArthur
a. was prize fleece buck at a 1942 Goat Show and Sale at Rocksprings, Texas. He sold at auction for $530.
b. was once defined as: “No soldier in modern history has been more admired -- or more reviled. Douglas MacArthur, liberator of the Philippines, shogun of occupied Japan, mastermind of the Inchon invasion, was an admired national hero when he was suddenly relieved of his command.”
c. both a & b
d. none of the above
4. “a body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted on by an external force.” is a statement of:
a. Newton's 1st Law
b. thought of Benjamin Franklin’s expressed in the 1868 publication of “Unplugged.”
c. the sort of problems Lt. Rich enjoyed working on in college.
d. both a & c
5. The Bicentennial Inaugural involves which 2 dates?
a. 1786-1886
b. 1789-1999
c. 1789-1989
d. none of the above
5. Fleet Admiral Nimitz
a. was raised in El Paso, Texas
b. admired his grandfather, who was a minister
c. attended West Point
d. refused to take part in the literary autopsy of the war.
Click here for help on Nimitz
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