Riley Woina chats with Master Sgt. Alexander Barnett during a lunch break Wednesday at Camp J. Rudder on Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., during his Make-A-Wish Foundation trip to the camp. The U.S. Army Rangers and the Make-A-Wish Foundation helped Riley, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, live out his dream for a week.
Great job Army Rangers! And great you do in protecting our freedom too. Thanks--and thanks for giving Riley a few hours relief. Zyk
Thanks for dropping by Zyk and for your great comment.
I think this is great, the sad part is he could join the army some day my husband has CF and was in the Army in his late teens early twenties. It's not something they test for, he is now 40 and has beat all the odds it's starting to catch up with him but he never let it stop him from doing the things he dreamed of as a child... So Riley should never think it can't happen, there is always hope...
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