Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm not Virgie; my name is De'on, but I see I've posted under her name all over the Panama place tonight.

It's late. Kayla is spending the night with me. She's on the couch with Hen and Aaron's pillow. Hen is breathing hard and it is warm in here with the fire and all.

I'm about to crash on the love seat across from them.

Maybe Steve will be better for the next couple of days since it's the weekend and that means no treatments. I sure miss him.

So, what's up with Walter Reed's outpatient care?

Well, just leave your password in the comments section and maybe tomorrow I can post under your name. :)

Love and nighty-night,


Anonymous said...

Hey Teach,
I just e-mailed you my test. I hope I get the extra credit! Love ya!

De'on Miller said...

I saw them rolling in, sweetie. I told Greg as it was happening. He held his little fingers together up by his face and said, "Oh sure! Why don't you just go ahead and declare her the winner!" He bowed a little and said, "You are the best, oh Test Taker!" :)