Friday, November 24, 2006

A Heart Full of Thanksgiving

Yesterday, Americans everywhere sat down in settings as varied as farm kitchens and opulent mansions to celebrate Thanksgiving. The observance of that holiday sets us apart from other nations, for we're the only ones who pause for a day to give thanks for the blessings that nourish our nation. Americans in Dallas, Boston -- and Iraq and Afghanistan celebrated this holiday that defines us as citizens of a nation who acknowledge our God-given gifts.

It is because of our commitment to the celebration of Thanksgiving that we have one more tie to the Jews. For hundreds of years, before Israel was established in 1947, Jews scattered throughout the world held fast to their faith and traditions. The Jews in Spain and Russia observed their holy days as faithfully as their brethern in Poland or Algeria. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans all over the world unite in the celebration of God's protection and grace, not allowing geographic boundaries to interfere. It doesn't matter where we are, for like the Jews who keep their traditions, we pause on the fourth Thursday in November to give thanks.

Yesterday's celebration was a unique one for me. I spent it in Brownfield, Texas, in the home of Aaron's aunt and uncle -- Karen and Gary. Two TV sets displayed the Cowboys' superior skills and the pounding they handed Tampa Bay. Hehe! I had to throw that in for Greg! Karen's Thanksgiving dinner filled the house with an aroma that would make an anorexic want to dive in. The food was awesome, and the company made it even better. Great food takes on an almost heavenly quality when it's shared with great people. Karen and Gary -- thank you for inviting me to your home.

For any member of the military who, because of commitment to country, was unable to be home for Thanksgiving, know that you were, and are, in our prayers and thoughts. As part of our giving thanks, we are grateful for your service and the honor that distinguishes your service. We hold you all dear, a part of our national treasure, and if all we can do is to hold you constantly in prayer, know that you will not find more committed prayer warriors.

Thank you, warriors, for defending our country. Thank you for contributing to the security that allows me to gather with loved ones to offer thanks for your service and the privilege of being an American. For that I am deeply, deeply grateful.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well stated there, you covered quite a few bases and all very, very true. Especially that butt whoopin on the Bucs by the Cowboys i.e. Romo...LOL.

Interesting and historical take on Thanksgiving and what it means. I'm a big supporter of Israel and so I appreciated that. And God bless our troops. Well written piece Steve. Semper Fi!