There was the senior NCO with his condescending, “Your main mission here will be making coffee.”
Then there was me, who felt the need to comment to some other male soldiers that: “Females shouldn’t be in the military.” The problem was, I was sitting at the table with one of those females; the one that later would become my wife.
This was not to be the last ignert comment I would make in our fourteen years together. Still learning.
By giving Fort Kobbe and the canal back to the Panamanians, we probably saved some unfortunate female soldier the torment of being stationed with a bunch of “rocks"--the term my wife used back then to describe the 536th Engineers.
What my husband leaves out in his brevity is this: We four were sitting together in the chow hall. The other 2 males were shocked, stunned, in total disbelief that he was saying this with me sitting there. After all, we were already an item.
And there was quite a scene as I stood up, did a perfect right face, and marched to the tray dump, with Miller, fast-stepping behind me and exclaiming, "Don't take it personal!"
And me,while slamming the tray inside the tray window and shooting back, "I don't know why I'd take it personal, I'm only a female in the military!??@##"
De'on has told me that when she joined the Army, she made Private Benjamin look savvy. But she took no prisoners when it came to PT. The girl had it going on! Uh, I think there was a time or two when she ran with Greg, and all Greg could see was tail lights!! Hehe! But to be fair, Greg did beat the tar out of her at ping pong. Dang right! That'll show her, Greg!!
yes. Exactly! Repetition ran usually the same for my PT Tests: 2 min push-ups=75, then I became wiser and cut it off at my max which was 53...this way I had reserve for my sit-ups which I always had to struggle for my max on the last one=58
2 mi run=14:10 in Basic Training and usaually between 15:00-16:00 in Panama.
Final scores= 299 or 300!!!! YEAH!!
okay, yes that was all 14 yrs. ago.
And yes, I could beat Greg running...he's hideious! :) And was horribly mean to me in ping pong then...
No matter what, I love your "ignert" comments! I'll never forget when De'on brought you to Oklahoma to meet us for the first time. We couldn't help but fall in love with you (we were scared to death you were going to leave De'on there with us!)
We will also have to tell some stories of your competitive spirit. Remember, I have played horse with you, and bowling, but I will never let you beat me at pool! Keep up the excellant posts!
Well I could have told you De'on would be unreasonable and think your statement was personal. Ha..Welcome Greg..This man can do any thing and can do it to pefection and is the first and only one Jerry calls for a hand. He and Jerry are constantly building something.. You are my ideal for a son-in-law
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