Monday, December 04, 2006

Weston's Christmas Story

'Twas the night before Christmas and Weston was tired. His Daddy was sleeping, his Mother was wired, and just as she thought things had come to a close, Weston looked out at the gleaming white snow ...And what did he see as he gazed at the sight ... the night before Christmas on a cold winter night? He saw a star gleaming far up in sky, called to his mommy asking her why? Why is that star much brighter than all? What holds it up? Why doesn't it fall? Did Jesus come down from that star up teach boys and girls the meaning of love? Is that why there's Christmas and wonderful toys...for nice little girls and good little boys?

His mommy laughed softly and said to her son, I guess it is time to get this all done....He put it so sweetly the heart understands ... maybe true wisdom is wasted on man. Maybe it takes a sweet little son, to understand the true meaning of love, when the eye can behold what his heart can still see. And thanks be to God his land is still free. She sang to him softly as she put him to bed and she felt her heart lifted and this she then said. Yes Jesus came down from a star up above, to teach boys and girls the meaning of love. Look in your heart and you shall see the meaning of Christmas as you've shown to me. Then she said softly as she switched out the light, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Goodnight, Weston. Granny-great loves you.

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