Friday, December 08, 2006

Virgie Bell's View

Our military men and women make me so proud. There’s a story on the Internet about Marines who are working to save an Iraqi baby. It seems the mother of the child ran to the Marines while they were on maneuvers, begging for help for a very sick baby. The Marines risked their lives so that this baby might live, and that is one of the reasons it makes me so angry to hear those in power – Murtha and Kerry – run them down.

It is also an insult to hear Dennis Konsini, however you spell it – it is not worth the effort to look it up since my knowledge has always been on a need-to-know basis, and he is right up there with a Britney Spears fan letter.

He is such a loathsome little man, and he seems so totally lacking in anything like leadership qualities. Of course, he is the darling of the Hollywood set, wouldn't you just know. Anything that flies in the face of the American public and their opinions.

I see the Dixie Chicks are up for something or other with the upcoming Grammy Awards, just as Mel Gibson's new movie looks like it might be Oscar material. If we the people who buy their records and tickets to see their movies disapprove, the awards and accolades from their peers can't pile up fast enough.

We, the public, who support their ridiculous lifestyles are looked upon with such contempt. It was reported that Natalie Maines was born with her middle finger extended to the world. She was born in Lubbock, Texas, and by her own admission, played hooky about once a week just to prove that Lubbock was a racist city – a true political activist.

You know what? I don't care what Streisand, the Dixie Chicks or Willy Nelson think politically. Streisand and Willy are getting a little too old for this. The future generation is into rap and rock. Streisand, while having incredible talent, is and has always been one of the most unattractive women in the world. Her private live is pathetic joke, one child by another actor who was a victim of AIDS. She has more money than she knows what to do with and no one of her own blood to leave it to, and the ever-inspiring Willy – I hate to break it to you folks, but this man is a songwriter of simple verse.

I’ve had enough voice lessons to know that the Dixie Chicks and Willy are no great shakes in the voice department, and simple verse I can write – anyone can. I realize it might sound as if I'm some big fan of entertainment, but to get the news in any form, they are there in all their glory. Being so hard of hearing for so long I had to access visual quality pleasure. Believe me, it is not there.

I am sorry things are not going well in Iraq, but hey, folks, that is war. I bet you could have talked to my Uncle Lonnie, and he could have said the same thing about Japan. Being alive on Iwo Jima at the end of that battle was one of the greatest breaks in the history of the USA, and that is why it makes me so angry to see the Murthas and Kerrys pop off as experts in anything. Because they served in the Band of Others. I despise that kind behavior.

I despise them and call them traitors and cowards. They are to the Marine Corps what the Dixie Chicks are to social reform. They are the ones who prostitute themselves. Leave the Corps out of it. You do it for fame and fortune. John Kerry will never figure out that no one who is the least bit sane would ever mistake him for smart. He is, in a word, so clueless that he thinks he is presidential material.

I just recently found out that Iran is of the Persian race. In the Bible, these are the people known as the Medes. There is much about them, and a lot of prophecy about them. The one that really hit me between the eyes is that the FINAL ANTICHRIST will be of that descent. The bear mentioned in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7:5 are the same bear.

I don't mean to put anyone off, but if you are like me, these are things you wonder about all you life.

But no matter what I do for the rest of my life, I will SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

1 comment:

De'on Miller said...

Brilliant piece. And I want to hear all I can about prophecy. It is unfolding before our eyes, and we can be sure that our presence in the Middle East is no lame accident.

God tells us that as it goes with Israel, so shall it go with the rest of the world.