Grab a "little" popcorn and coke ...then check out the Navy's new video game!
NTE:(Naval Training Exercise) Strike & Retrieve presents a mental challenge that requires both sound reasoning and quick-thinking action on your part. At the Navy we know the missions of the future will be determined not by who is the strongest but by who is the smartest.
You can download "Strike and Retrieve" and get started right away, Karen. (Karen is highly competitive even though she's not a big guy!)
I will check this out for sure! And challenge Rich to a game! Growing up, both of my brothers would almost kill themselves not to let me beat them in anything. Maybe that's why I am competitive and love a challenge. Depending on the game, they usually won, but the few times I won, I celebrated in the biggest way!
I certainly thought of you when I saw this. I of course, despise games. I never could even get past the first fall-off place on, what is it called?
I swear, I really think the wick has burnt out on the candle of my mind. I'll keep thinking. I played the game with Aaron. He'd always talk me into it. He'd tell me, "Mom, I'll get you over the first jump so you don't die right away." I can hear the sound of it even now as I think about it. You could get different "powers."
Also, I never could hit the pong ball on Pong.
Everyone but "the other team" hated me in softball.
I miss the tennis ball as well as the golf ball when I swing and I'm terrified of the volleyball.
However, I love basketball and at one time could've whipped the pants off of anyone in this whole wide world. Marsha Sharp would've given up her new freeway to recruit me.
Now, it just makes my hands feel too dirty.
You go girl! Greg has always loved that about you! He too, is very competitive, but it's rather ugly on my husband. Not one of his better qualities! But it's charming on you.
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