I feel almost like a traitor to the cause to write anything right now. Everyone is all so full of good cheer and the postings show it. Of course the news on the tellee and in my newspapers is able to put me in my usual snit.
I wrote recently that the Democratic Party had asked John Kerry to cool it...trust in clueless Kerry to ignore this advice. He is now making the rounds in the Middle East. In fact several political presidential wanna bees are at it ...but ‘forever clueless’ will garner the most attention. I had an instructor in art class to say that any attention, be it good or bad, is better than no recognition at all. I don't recall John Kerry in that class, but he must have been in one that taught the same lesson. I cannot believe that anyone can become as enamored of themselves as they are clueless.
Susan Estrich is one member of the voice of the Democratic Party that I admire. She recently said the congress and senate really have no power except to call lots and lots of hearings. No matter what, it looks as if we will have Mr. Kerry in our face for a long long time. Recently a poll showed that he had 4 percent support of his party vote if elections were held today. Well let me make a prediction from my point of view, housewife-under-educated-arm-chair expert that I am.
Senator John McCain is running on the best issue. It is my opinion that the first thing on a voter’s list will be the war on terror. McCain is being realistic when he calls for more troops in Iraq. Forget the Baker intelligence group and their recommendations. This is real life and the lesson we need to learn is, that no matter what, it is a battleground that we need. New York City and Washington D C were the terrorists’ battleground of choice. We are now on the ground with a volunteer military that is the finest in the world, this after we were forced to go around Turkey and a lot of other Middle East countries. We are there. That is the number one issue of the moment. The only thing recommended in the Bible is this: don’t start a war that you cannot win.
When Patton wanted to go on and gain a victory over Russia while we were in Germany, he was right. If Putin is a friend to America then I am the queen of Siam. He is KGB first, last and always and he is communist. Housewife knowledge says he is as burned up as I am about Miss USA strutting her stuff in front of Jerry and his 21inch eyes. In other words, jealous. Not that I ever looked like that but I could wear a bikini. The last time I tried on a bathing suit was with De'on in the same dressing room. If God had asked me to sacrifice her at that moment I might have done so. Putin is so back burner in power in comparison to Blair and Bush. It is such a humiliation to him. He is no friend to anyone other than his own power and greed. Alas, he is just one of many.
I think there will be another terrorist attack before another election. That puts McCain the number one person for the job. I have a few issues with President Bush, but they were over Terry Shaivo and the remark about seeing Vladimir Putin’s “soul in his eyes.” Bush loses when it comes to poetic sayings and family feud issuers. No doubt about it, he is better off with things like “I am the decider." He is the most powerful human on this earth and in charge of my military. We hold him to such ridiculous standards and it is going to get a whole lot worse, trust me in this.
We have the biggest egos in the world from all over the world showing their determination. Even Kim Jung Il will shoot of an atomic bomb into the ocean if ignored too long. The leaders of N Korea, Iran and Russia are all so physically un-imposing. They have the Napoleon complex which is a very real and dangerous thing to have and be a world leader. Take little tiny Hitler and his 3rd Reich. His closest associations came from institutionalized murderers and insane certified cabinet leaders. I heard Charlie Rangel remark over Fox news lately that...and this is a direct quote: “I love this country so much. I want everyone to enjoy all their rights due process." Well not me. I want to win on the Global War on Terror and the safety of our citizens is paramount to me. And that means winning. To believe that we will ever enjoy peace on this earth is insane. If you believe the Bible it has never been the case, so why doesn't everyone just SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.
I'm glad you're feeling better!
Please tell me we're not going to Lubbock tomorrow!?
Jerry and I will stay over tonight and come back after I see the Dr. I am so sick of this..I had a lot to gripe about today..Arab nations are upset that we are not doing more to compress Iran..Can anyone really believe that...Let us try and the whole middle middle east would late term abortion..Kim Jung Il...he demands all sanctions be stopped or he will use his nukes on the fish again...peace is not even a remote possibillty..retreat is just as senseless..I hope Bush & Co. hang tough or we fight this same force at home if our sons and daughters don't do then grandsons and grandaughter..Tough choice but there it is Virgie Bell Says
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