To Any Soldier or Airman
Ward 57, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20307-5001.
To Any Sailor, Marine, or Airman,
Ward SE, National Naval Medical Center, 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20889.
The Medical Centers have asked that you do not send flowers, balloons, or gifts, but highly encourage cards or letters.
This photo was taken of me and Aaron on Dec. 23, 2003. I always smiled this big when I was around him.
This is my favorite picture of you and Aaron.
I love it too.
Lets try and keep the smiles this Christmas Season, I'm sure our dear Lord would be proud. And our precious Aaron wouldn't have it any other way, he never liked seriousness.
Check List for the week before Christmas: check checking account, (I'm planning on it), make sure you keep a list of your Christmas card list for the ones you have forgotten or reach the mailbox and you need to reciprocate, (I threw away my list last night so backtrack or as my husband Roy puts it, peeing in the wind), buy an extra roll of wrapping paper for the last minute gifts (watch prices; I threw one in my shopping cart for a last second thought , and it cost me $4.99 plus tax. I really wasn't needing to pay that much with "more going out of the checking account than coming in), as my my husband, Roy said ,the other night. Cooking for Christmas trays, it's time! To clean, I had a friend once tell me that straighten house first, then good house cleaning. Do laundry on one day not both together( right now I have it throwing and going every which way. Peeing in the wind my friend. You wear out before anything is really accomplished).
Tips to not scream and go crazy a week before Christmas:It is suppose to be joyous, listen to some Christmas music (if it gets on your nerves don't act like it, look pleased. Don't answer telemarketers so you don't slam phone down and say a curse word. Let the children play, laugh, and get that belly jogging going on. They are excited and you still need to check the checking account. Hide the Christmas goodies so they won't be gone for your tray or they surely don't need extra sugar because you trying not to take your antideppresants up before your 30 day grace period. You need to get up and clean house. You bought the cleaning supplies a week ago because you were going to be prepared early. (Break the seal and smile. For the women who have house cleaners, Right On. For the women who isn't in to cleaning, Right On (that one is for you MaMa) and she didn't care to be around people who stayed on her hiney for her house cleaning, they made her nervous in her own house. Have a coffee and Bailey's if need to keep warm and save your antidepressants. Just kidding (maybe) tee hee. No Santa I didn't say that. I'll bake your cookies.
If anyone else has tips please share them, we are needing to get ready for our materialistic holiday that we have made for ourselves. Keep the birth close to your heart, and pray for the troops, the sick and the lonely. May God bless and keep every one in HIS HANDS. Try a smile also, it requires less muscles. Love Ya, Lisa. Off to clean myself up, because I have to sign Kayla out for lunch, because our john henry keeps us out of trouble because of the partners in crime. Follow the rules this Christmas, Santa is watching. As you can tell I would so much rather go in my house shoes with pj top on, no make up hair a little more messed up, for not combing it,and not because my husband that I love got his way. We are both so tired because keeping both ends going we hardly can muster up the I love you and goodnight. Were also both trying to get to sleep first before we have to hear the other snore. Keep smiling. Gotta go. Can't pee in the wind to much; I'm soaked.ha
Tip for the last week before Christmas; get school' number stored into cell phone, call schoold get their time in which they follow because everybodys watch and clock are a tad bit different. That way you can have time to fold another load of laundry so don't waste a minute. Make-up in 5 minutes, use powder instead of foundation, tip; you do not have to wash off powder, you do foundation because of fingerprints on your clean sink. Saves time. Use blush for cheeks and color on top of eyelid, throw on mascara, brush teeth a few curls added around face, your set. Off I go. Any tips please add, keep smiling.ha
I love it my sister, Lisa! I think you have about covered everything. I learned a few tips from this post myself. Love you!
Well, folks, you heard it here first!
I think she needs her own column. I love it.
Erma Bombeck had nothing on you.
My tip: light a fire. Possibly under ones butt.
Package came to the door today, used $4.99 plus tax wrapping paper( priceless). Shaved a few minutes off while running out the door to fetch daughter for school lunch, don't wear socks just slip on tennis shoes. I made it just in the nick of time. Nobody's feelings were hurt all the rules followed ( I looked half ...). By the way this is my day off. Tip; grab pecans on ground while running out and in the door, have box handy to put them in. Saves time...gets chores done. Everybody smiling. Still need to check checking account; will do that in a minute. Spelling and punctuation not to important, I'm not attending a class.
I'm staying out of Lisa's way! I might accidently get stuck in the washer or something.
It's best to. She makes me tired. One of her good friends dried her kids cat in the dryer once! Tami thought it was tennis shoes beating around in the dryer!
They're scary...moving so fast.
For the smile, this week before Christmas: took a Sea Salt bath and exfoliated this mid life crisis body headed for a crisis. Back to work tomorrow; all that could be done today is done. Laundry not completed, half the house done. Not following my tips. A scattered mess. I didn't have to check the checking account, husband did that. Had a little talk.ha We are both about even blowing money the American way. Well I am woman...I am invincible...I am tired...Watch me snore.ha Say your prayers for our troops, our lonely and sick. Stay tuned for more tips through out the last week before Christmas. Goodnight. May we see snow tomorrow morning. Don't tell my son that,he is a pumper and travels in it. He love Global Warming. We act like we do...but menopause you just can't handle the heat.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Of course Greg is a driver too, but they don't have to work when it's bad (and for the rest of the world who really gets snow, we are in the desert, so we love it. But Lisa and I don't drive in it...
Lisa, I love when you play.
Hen is still freaking over the wood popping in the fireplace and has left out again. Oh, I hope he gets okay with our oak. This is how he is over fireworks.
I guess the other wood didn't pop or something. I don't know, but I'm not used to my baby not enjoying the fire. Any helpful hints for this new quirk?
A smile for our count down; 6 days left before Jesus birth. I try to justify my spending all that I have for Christmas and still hold in my heart the real meaning. I'm not buying for myself! I spend most all on Kayla. But she needs a refurbish for herself and the new technology for today. I do her and Roy does the tech. I love her personal refurbishing and his love is the technology .(my dad is waiting for us to have a power outage around here). Also give to the Salvation Army anywhere you see the red pail, stash something in there for that cause. I don't see them around my town only in larger cities, I wonder why? But give, it seems Dr. Phil and the motorcycle groups are in for Toys for Tots. Thank you for you contribution. De'on and Steve thanks for the blog for the troops. I sure hope they are watching when they can. Anyways justifying for spending all that you have for Christmas, It's Jesus birth we celebrate, He gave lots... we give what we can to what is special to us, what we have on this earth. We can't take it with us why not spend it. Why do I have colitis? On a better note; I wonder what they do in heaven? Its like the song I can only imagian. I bet it is, awesome. Not materialistic the real thing is there. Thank you dear God for the holy spirit you left here, what a comfort that is. Steve I would lots rather read an article from you than look and listen to the opinions on TV. They are following producers and lands know telling what else. Yours are from the heart. Tip of the day finish Christmas cards on your lunch time and get in the mail. Its getting where if you don't you can use them next Christmas, isn't that right Karen and Tonya. God Bless! No snow, my son Zach will be happy, except no global warming either. Buy the way he isn't allowed to fill out a Christmas list, he is Santa now.
And such a jolly one he is.
I'm very good. I started and finished my shopping last night, except for Kayla and Weston's stocking.
Oh, but I wanted to see Zach rub his hands together when he was filling out his list!
Tip of the day after yesterday: don't play Super Santa sometimes the odds can be against you. I ran home after work gonna hurry and get chicken strips made so I could get on my Christmas to do list this last week before Christmas. I will never have to wonder if the meat is a little tainted again. The odor is defintely there, no wonder at all. I about puked and said over 50 times yuck,yuck. Roy said, "quit saying that, we heard, we heard." So on to the next idea, ok breakfast will be easy for supper and satisfying. Get bacon going, preheat oven for store bought bisquits, guess what bisquits is molded. No smile on my jolly, ho,ho the week of Christmas. No people I check my dates on the items I purchase .The bisquits were Dec.29th, the chicken I didn't bother to fold back the plastic, I was gagging to bad. I did have another can of bisquits and the meal was a success. I did get my cheese rolls done also. I put the pencil in my mouth and that makes a smile. It works, try it. Tip of today also; use extra concealer for the dark circles under eyes due to late night. I thank God today for his beauty such as the snow. It does slow us down a bit, and you know what it tells us He is in control. Good Day. Off to work I go, you and Roy know, I owe , I owe, ho,ho.
Lisa, you're going to need that cruise.
Little one, you are awesome! I totally look forward to your posts! They bring a smile to anyones face this week before Christmas! Can't wait for more.
Tip of the day is to order supper, I recommend Rancho Grande's steak fingers, fantatic! There number is 396-0026, the reason why I'm advertising it is because our Windstream had the old number to Rancho Grande and it doesn't work. I gave 50 cents as to try and get a number for a call in order. The other 25 was due to trying to tell a machine it is a new listing.ha (doesn't work) and for 90 cents more you can have them dial it. Oh my gosh, are we getting lazy.I didn't fall for that added feature, I dialed it myself. Anyways back to my tip actually two tips. First don't try new microwave recipes, all microwaves have somewhat different power, so the recipe had cook pecan brittle for 8 to 9 minutes, the recipe that my boss gave me she had that scratched and had 7 and a half minutes. People my pecan brittle would not stir, burnt in a ball that was stuck to my favorite bowl. My spoon that I tried to stir it or get it out of the bowl into the trash with, I threw away. It doesn't smell good either, although it does smell better than tainted chicken. The trooper I am I start over and cook it for 5 minutes, I like to spread it thin so it is crunchy, no it will not spread thin it is a glob. So I will get away from the microwave. I'm really not very good on guess work of the time change. I need the stove top with thermometer in hand for the soft or hard stage. Putting the syrup in a glass of water does me know good either. Hey my fudge looked pretty but hasn't been taste tested yet, I will be doing that shortly. Soaking my favorite bowl all night worked.It is a nice burnty looking liquid ready to poor out and be washed along with the other bowl of the 2nd try. Maybe your last card might make it, but you are pushing it. After tomorrow probably better put up with Christmas decorations. Use them for next year. Hopefully not to the same people. Also better try and finish up shopping pretty quickly. I'm gonna try that after work tonight,all the shoving of elbows. I need Greg for a body guard for that.ha Also a very helpful hint for the last week of Christmas: STAY AWAY FROM MOODY TEENAGE GIRLS. They will make you say things that Santa doesn't like and you make threats that you hope this is not their last day on earth. Mothers have you ever said the statement,"I have worked so hard for all that Christmas under the tree and you have know respect , so I ought to take it back or give it to some one that would appreciate it."
Pray for our troops and their families, our government, our lonely and sick. Thank God for His precious son. The gift that can't be bought or stole. Just from the grace of God.
You crack me up! I can see all of this, including the moody teenage girl! Kayla, don't you know your mother almost lost her favorite bowl?!!
YEA! 10 days! Merry Christmas, Donna!
We love you and we'll be at Lisa's on the 25th. Come by.
Tip of the day for the last week of Christmas; it is time for you to start thinking about your appearance. Women how is the moustache looking? Ladies who doesn't have that problem I call that a real woman, for us that do, bless you. That wax is a killer. Does the hair need a hint of color, or a few curls, maybe a trim; it is time. No Donna I'm out of commision until after the holidays. You should of taken Greg's spot. He has stood me up twice. I'm thinking of making him wait until it drives him nuts. Donna you should of never told him he looked good with longer hair. Blondes gone to brunettes with 10 days off. Anyways I would probably put Christmas cards away unless you can hand deliver or apply it to their gift, that would work. I did it on a couple. A package with some nice words added. Priceless! Hope you only have a gift or maybe two, otherwise the shop lifters have been out and what was a bargain is not one now. Because half of the once outfit is only half. I saw 2 jackets for my dad with shingles that would work great, the pants gone. Yes I thought well I could buy it for the jacket but hey I suffer enough with the price of thieves. Shame on ya'll. The books of lifesavers ripped open with one or two rolls gone. It's kinda sad looking at the leftovers that nobody wanted. Reminds me of the child getting picked last for the team in PE. If your wrapping paper is dangling sorda scrunched that is a good sign if plastic is still on it, that is not a good sign. Be aware tho those thieves are out there. I was finishing my shopping last night, went ahead and grabbed a roll for incase my Christmas Eve shopper husband needs a little extra. While looking for the jogging pants for the jacket somebody stole it out of my basket. Which maybe was a blessing because by the time Greg hooked me up with the fireplace screen and I purchased three adorable calico goldfish in a bag with water for my grandson it would of been much harder to navigate my basket. A heart to the lady who helped me out at the checkout stand. There are angels people, not just thieves. 3 days left before the birth of our Jesus. I thought of Mary and Joseph last night, I thought they traveled and worked hard themselves. And we received the blessing. Lets pray constantly for our troops, their families, our government for a much needed change in Iraq, pray for the sick and lonely, this is the part of the holiday that makes me sad. Joy to the world someday people someday. Lets just keep, keeping on. Love to all.
Tip of the last week of Christmas; you have about one and half days left for shopping. The business' is just about to get all they will get for this year and the employees are probably ready to get the show on the road. Don't you know Walmart employees are done. We need to thank them for all the things that they have had to put back to there original place. OK lets check that checking account for our last minute odd and ends. Roy had my back covered last night. Being on-line banking you can track as they go. I was pretty worried about my total last night when the checker gave me the amount. She asked me if I needed cash back, and I said "no I have none." Anyways I didn't check my account last night I threw myself into bed, so when I awaken I saw there was money to spare, puzzled I was until I looked down a line and saw I had $4 in my savings. Roy said this morning I transfered from savings into checking.I thought oh my gosh what has he bought me; but no it was not for me it was about me. Do you think Santa will come see me? I guess he remebered last Christmas, I did the same thing. It is amazing how fast money goes. Its not like the gifts are stamped with quality. OK put up what is left over from your cards, eat your wheaties and get ready to rock and roll because prep time is about over ,especially if your the host. Write down your list for your Christmas meal so if you need to make another run to the store. You do not want to be upset that your home town store shut down for a little bitty time off to spend with their family. That is not of good cheer. Finish snack trays, straighten a few things up around house, do not get to involved with the cleaning, lands it will be a wreck after the last gift is open and the last piece of pie is gone. Rest up trash men you will have plenty of landfills to fill. Women do a little more primping, cut down on the food just a little so you won't fill like Santa himself when the day has arrived. Keep praying for good things to come and to bless this special time with your family and friends. Hold those special ones that have gone ahead close to your heart, it is bitter sweet. I miss so many this time of year. May God bless all.
PS Weston(my grandson) he received his fish and tank from me tonight. He is now a proud pet owner, the names are Willy, Isaac and Bubbles. I think Santa will be to see him. Weston doesn't say to much about Santa right now, you can see his mind wondering about that, we will see after Christmas morning.
oh, how i love you my little sister. i hate for chritmas hints to end.
and i love weston and now, willie, isaac, and bubbles...how cute.
One day until Christmas...Merry Christmas Eve. Although my daughter said that doesn't come into effect until 6:00 pm. So at 6:00 pm Merry Christmas Eve to all. Tips of the week before Christmas, should be done and the last tid bits of putting up and finishing up should be coming to a end. It is time to get on with the festivities. Lots of people will be going from parents to in-laws to grandparents to friends to boyfriend and girlfriend's homes to change hugs and gifts. Dear God please be with the sick and lonely. With the war going on there will be a son, daughter, father, or wife not at home to share in Christmas. I'm glad the troops have each other to share Christmas with. I bet they have their ways of making the best of it. Thank you God for neighbors, friends, health care workers. We love here in the United States of America. Yes, we fight, talk about the other, have our disagreements with one another, but all in all we are caretakers of one another. When we are threatened, look how everyone pulled together at 911. Its a blessing to be a citizen of the United States. Amen! It is a time to reflect on the past and present. This seems to cause an electical current that may be either an excitement rush or a feeling of heartache that drops to your feet. This is your plan in which the Lord has given you...so trust in it and know that all is well. All is well. It has been defeated. It is ours if we so choose. That is so easy, it is such an awesome thought if you can lay it all to Him that gave all. A much missed marine once said,"it is a choice." It is an easy choice for me, making mistake after mistake here on the earth is what is hard to conquer. I'm sure that; it is very humanly tho. Dear God forgive me of my sins. My dear brother said to me just yesterday, you really haven't screwed up tho Lisa. Oh my gosh, screw up is my middle name. I hurt daily from my mouth, my actions just like most of us. But I have a big heart just like so many, many people do. Either ones that have taken God in their life or ones that are still searching. I once read that God will give each and everyone a chance to surrender. I'm sure when He comes to you, how can you turn that away. If so, your more evil than I can understand. Yes daily I think I will be there, then moments I wonder, will I? My Me-ma always said she hoped she would meet Jesus when she died. I'm sure that, that was the hand she touched going to the other side. Thank you dear God for my grandparents. I had a strong bond with them. They taught me so much about life and love. I miss them but that special feeling of them is very precious. Like the promise that is promised; all is well. All the hard work the heartaches that fall at this special season really all is well. Jesus was born, I'm not sure that it is really this date that we celebrate...I would like to study that in the Bible. I love the Bible, I am so guilty of not spending the time like I should. I love it and I'm finally understanding some of it. God helps us to know what we need to know, when we need to know it. He provides. Thank-you for your holy spirit dear LORD. You covered it all. It is all so mysterious to our little people brains. Is this right or wrong, do we justify things. I'm sure we do. The cross is such an awesome symbol. It is not just a a piece of jewelry to me. It means a lot to me, when I look at mine around my neck it resembles just why it came into being. Oh, yes dear LORD thank-you, thank-you a million times for the cross. I do not take it lightly, it is a heavy thing to my heart. I am proud of it. Tips are yes it is now Christmas time. I love to think about the kids of tonight. I'm sure some are totally believers of Santa and some are trying to figure out how a strange man flys through the sky riding in a sleigh with reindeer carrying it to each and every house of the good boys and girls. Kids are so smart these days. But yes there was a man called Saint Nicholas. A man with a heart that shared. Lets hold that into our hearts as adults. Lets enjoy the excitement of the children (that is easier to say than to follow through with)ha. Merry Christmas to all, I love you and hope your dreams come to you. I hope for peace in your heart. I pray for your walk to be a walk to remeber. God Bless and Wishing you all a very merry Christmas. And to those who I will be hostessing, Roy has surround sound now, so if you couldn't hear before, you surely can now.ha
Merry Christmas, my sister. You made me smile this whole week before Christmas! Every single tip was loved and needed. You deserve all of the gifts of the wonder of Christmas.
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