1. Seabees share the stage with VP Dick Cheney
2. Military.com: a Seabee from NMCB 22 leaves this post:
Thu 15 June 2006 17:29
Oohrah NMCB-40, and NMCB-25 and the 9th. I am in NMCB-22. NMCB-25 relieved us just recently. I'm sorry to hear of their losses. But, these guys are outstanding Bees in my book. I am a brother EO. These Seabees are carrying out difficult tasks in the finest tradition of the Bees. The tasks we have been given in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan will help ensure the people of those countries have a fighting chance to protect themselves and the sovereignty of their nations. I was proud to have gone out there in Al Anbar Province to build for Iraqis. Give these Seabees all the support you can. They deserve it.
Bravo Zulu Bees.
Come home safe and soon.
EO2 Mark R Mayfield, NMCB-22 Det 05 San Antonio, Texas
3. The #1 Google hit for LT. Richard Windham...dududhuh...drum roll please! Gunz Up presents (the images spell Gunz Up in Webdings)
Ready for the Queen Buzz? k
Okay... here GOES.
Ladies and gents:
the number 1 Google Hit for LT. Richard Windham is:
Gunz Up: LT. Richard Windham, USN
Richard Windham, USN. LT. Richard Windham, USN. This is Karen's brother, Richard. Gunz Up will be doing a special on the Seabees in general and Rich's unit ...ramosmiller.blogspot.com/2006/12/lt-richard-windham-usn.html - 29k - Dec 21, 2006 -
and if one might google "images of LT. Richard Windham," this comes up number 2:
Gunz Up
Look, you can see images across the street in the lower left hand corner. ... LT. Richard Windham, USN. This is Karen's brother, Richard. ...ramosmiller.blogspot.com/ - 287k - Cached - Similar pages
which is 2 ahead of Navy Reserve Force's number 4...
Navy Reserve Force
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - news and images by e-mail to navresfor_tnr@navy.mil or by mail to: The Navy Reservist, ... said Lt. Richard Windham, officer-. in-charge of COP South. [editor's note: don't be snooping around COP South, we've got to finish building that bridge in Hit, remember? Besides, we're going to COP South for Christmas.]...navyreserve.navy.mil
so, Rich,
Who loves ya, baby?
It's been fun. 'Til next time, keep buzzing kkkkkk ...hhhh
I love ya, baby! Rich stopped here in Brownfield yesterday on his way to our parent's house for Christmas in Lovington. He came to the courthouse, where I work, and I proudly introduced him to all of my co-workers (most of which have crushes on him, young and old!) He just grinned and was very gracious to all. He had checked out Gunz Up the night before, but said he didn't know how to leave a comment.(my smart little bro???) He is very impressed and interested by the posts and we will be here reading and commenting on Christmas day.(Big sis will show him how!) Awesome job, Deely! Love you and can't wait to see you all Christmas day.
Oh, good! I'm so happy you got to show him off that way. I bet you were grinning from ear to ear.
I can't wait to see everybody again, and I'm so glad he likes the posts anc comments.
So, yes, teach him Sister!
P.S. Do you know what the little things are buzzing around on this post? I couldn't really tell. They just looked buzzy! Hope they're not flies! Are they little planes? It's the smallcase k on webdings font.
Does that mean you caught me checking out COP South? Oh, I thought I was being sneaky!
can't get past my eagle eye, even though I may not always say something.
For instance, Hen is snoring away on the couch right now. He's not supposed to be on the couch at all.
So until we (hen and I) decide to agree that he "really" is on the couch, we don't have to deal with it, so long as we agree with it by the time Greg gets home.
I have omitted re-lighting my fireplace, as the popping upsets him, so I've placed a blanket over him for warmth. He looks very snuggle-bunny.
It is Christmas Eve, so of course, sneaking and peaking are the gerunds of the day.
Just don't get caught. Then it's a lump of coal for your stocking!
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