Monday, October 09, 2006

I've been meaning to say something about that pic of me, De'on and Greg. I don't know who that person is on the left, but I hope it's not me. Geez. I look like I swallowed a few donuts. What's up with that Greg?! It was your camera. Did you have it on "let's make Steve look fat" setting? Yeah, that's it. Dang airport lighting.


De'on Miller said...

Yes. He does that. We'll do before and after shots. You'll probably be all thin with a nice tan and the beautiful Iraqis at the Embassy/residence will invite you to visit and interview.

I'm really jealous. And thankful for you.

Anonymous said...

Personal Trainer! huhhhh tee hee. I'm sure that by the time you return to this great country, USA ( thanks men and women of the military for your tremendous sacrifices) that you'll either look like you came from Gold's Gym or a concentration camp. Please stay safe, my stomach churns. I, myself would feel much better behind the veil...with black heels.