We're all working on posts, well, except for Kayla. She's at rehearsal for her ballet recital tomorrow. She is so beautiful when she dances. Someday, maybe soon, I will write a narrative called "The Dance" and it will be about Little Pretty and Aaron.
Right now, Mom is working on a cute post, Steve on Iraq, and I'm jumping back and forth between Disney, the mighty Seabees and Guadalcanal.
And maybe a little something creative as well. Oops I get a permanent tonight over here at my house. Everyone should have someone who comes to their house, much thanks to Lisa. One day I'll tell the story of the ups and downs of being Lisa's "model" all through Cosmetology school. Man, that's a lonnnggg school!
Greg tried to take a picture of Hen and Isaac after they got home from Judy's Pet Salon. Lisa works there, grooming our four-legged babies. But anywyay, they looked so cute in their Christmas bandanas. But they went to corners and sulked when we got the camera out, so....
The first time Hen got a bandana, it bothered him so much I wanted to take it off, but I wanted Greg to see him first. It turned out I couldn't wait that long though because Hennessy wouldn't go through the pet door with it. He looked back and forth between me and the pet door as if to say, "It won't fit!" So I took it off.
Remember our babies when they were young and how they hated all that extra fabric, caps, bibs and what not? That's Hen. And I also can throw myself into that category. I looked like a toddler with too many clothes on when Panama was invaded. I had my M-16, 2 water canteens, 3 or 4 fully loaded 30-round magazines, a flak jacket, the little thingy you wear with all the other thingies on it, bandages, that kind of thing. I couldn't even get up into the hummer without literally holding on and pulling myself up.
It was miserable. I couldn't even walk.
Kayla called me today to invite me to her Dance Recital tomorrow. I cant wait to watch her "on point" again this year. It's always amazing to see her talent, her stage presence. Our family was truly blessed with this one. Lisa, what a wonderful Mom you are. Your nurturing has made her the beautiful girl that she is. Thank you for bringing her into our lives at a time when we needed such a precious little one. Love you Angel Pie!
Watch it, Karen, I am the favorite aunt! LOL :O
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