Merry Christmas, Kayla. This jeep is from Greg.
Made You Look.
Writings and musings on the eccentric beauty of sacrifice. Come journey and write with us. We are resolved to capture something positive in a troubled world and laugh when we can along the way. This, then, is dedicated in Loving Memory to LCpl. Aaron C. Austin, USMC KIA Fallujah, Iraq on April 26, 2004. Rock On...
How come Kayla gets a jeep? That's not fair! I wanted a jeep!!
Will you give her your red convertible, you know the sporty one? She likes those too.
You go Baby Girl! Write them down on your Santa List!
It's still not fair.
I just want a tank so I can push those drivers in Amarillo out of the way. Those people don't know how to get on the interstate. They just stop!! I hope they never go to Dallas and try that. If anyone in Amarillo is reading, listen up. When you're getting on the interstate you accelerate to match the traffic speed. Sheesh! You don't stop on the interstate people!
Picky and intolerant people make me nervous as I drive slowly up to the on-ramp, My knuckles a light shade of red and purple as I clutch the wheel, check left, right, back left, right, left, okay, NOW! Yippee.
Stop my beating heart! Greg told me once, "De'on, you don't have to wait until all the traffic from the other town has gone by!"
He's hideous!
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