Sunday, October 29, 2006

Princess Ya Ya

BlockquoteThese small photos shown below sit in a frame in my back "girls' bathroom" Left to right: Aaron at age 16, and in a separate photo, Tonya (My Ya Ya cousin). And me.

Tonya is "wanding me" with her Princess wand that she got at one of her Princess Birthdays. This photo was taken of us during OIF 1. Tonya gave me an apartment to stay in during my last year at Tech. She too, is a warrior. Diagnosed with breast cancer right before our 40th birthdays (our birthdays are only 5 days apart), Tonya, though she's had a double mastectomy, is an eleven year cancer survivor.

Tonya is the mother of Allie...some of you Marines may remember Allie as Aaron's date at the 2003 Marine Ball (a story all its own, I assure you!)

Currently, Tonya is helping her mother, Aunt Shirley, to fight for her life. The culprit--heart. But Aunt Shirley has a strong one...and she has a strong daughter!

You're in our prayers, Ya Ya...

Tonya is the Tech fan I refer to (besides Greg) in War Stories. You can click on the underline for that story. I am a big girl and have it all figured out now, thus the links this past hour!

Love to all!

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