Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blood Is Thicker Than Water--Part 4 SHOCK

Situation Report: A New Millennium. An Old War.


January 1, 2000:
A new millennium comes to age. Nobody really needed all that hoarded water after all.

March 25, 2002: New Yorker
In northern Iraq, there is new evidence of Saddam Hussein's genocidal war on the Kurds—and of his possible ties to Al Qaeda.

Issue of 2002-03-25Posted 2002-03-25

In the late morning of March 16, 1988, an Iraqi Air Force helicopter appeared over the city of Halabja, which is about fifteen miles from the border with Iran. The Iran-Iraq War was then in its eighth year, and Halabja was near the front lines. At the time, the city was home to roughly eighty thousand Kurds, who were well accustomed to the proximity of violence to ordinary life. Like most of Iraqi Kurdistan, Halabja was in perpetual revolt against the regime of Saddam Hussein, and its inhabitants were supporters of the peshmerga, the Kurdish fighters whose name ...http://www.newyorker.com/fact/
content/articles/020325fa_FACT1?020325fa_FACT1 (if you are interested in this article, please type this into your address bar. It gives an error when you click on it and the URL is probably too long for my blog.)

The Sixteenth Annual Awards for theYear’s Worst Reporting


bestof/2003/bestquote.asp (Ditto--as before...address bar...)

Sorry, I guess they are all so old...

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