Sample Ballots are available at Vote Smart which also gives a great deal of info, as does Open Secrets . Though if there's a write-in for your state's race, you may not get very far finding out their open secrets, their agendas, or even what they look like!
Orlin Cole WI . WI meaning Write-In is a great example of this. Now this one is a joke. And it's too important and close this year to throw your vote away in this form. But if you are that resistant to the political machines and you don't have an independent running, at least come up with something. Be creative. Come on...if you're going to be a write-in for this office, give us some info...something to bite down on.
Write something for goodness sake.
Below is an example. We'll use one who is known to rule with an iron fist. (Pictured above). A dictator. We can all (okay, mostly) agree on dictatorship.
Sarah Miller - WI

Has ruled the roost since 1993 when she was adopted at age 2 weeks and bottle-fed by her mother (Me).
Sarah is a biblical name meaning 'Princess.'
Current and previous 'AKA's':
Baby Girl, Scary, Sadaam Kitty, and Angel Baby Girl. Or to quote Weston, my four-year-old-great-nephew: "That Mean Cat."
Black & White, some Mohair and other 'wildcat' features. Long-hair. Approx. 20-something pounds but can still fling her body up heights that are unbelievable (of course, one hears the 'WHOMPH' that follows). With all this, one would think she could bathe herself a little more often, but I guess she's tired. But still, she goes where she wants, perches where she wants (again the photo where she's joined me at the computer).
MMmmm, that looks like a good spot, under the printer there next to my Mother.
Permanent Inside Status. However, she does like to take Hennessy's space in front of the front glass door--only if she knows he wants it.
De-clawed on front paws to protect the limbs and eyes of not only children, but also of adults and other household pets.
Spayed--nobody wants a baby from this one...
Characteristics and Popularity: Greg and I are the only two members that she loves (okay, tolerates).
Known to be armed and dangerous. Aaron hated her. He was often heard to say: "I hate you, CAT." But he and Greg's son, Kaika, definitely kept a clear distance. Remember, she still has her back claws and can wrap around your favorite two arms or legs without notice.
No known scars. On her, anyway.
In previous years was known to give a near fatal heart attack when she flung her body from a top cabinet where she was hidden from her baby sitter (Grandpa). The huge WHOMPH from behind petrified Grandpa while he leaned over her food bowl as he called her name over and over "Sarah, Sarah..Sarah..."
WHOMPH!@**#@ fell the noise from behind as she comes out of hiding from a top cabinet OVER the refrigerator. Though she's tactically savvy, her food bowl rattling will capture her attention every time.
Grandpa survived.
Hennessy, an American Pit Terrier (Aarons' dog) and Isaac, a Queensland Blue Heeler (another orphan one year younger than seven or eight-year-old Hennessy) both obey her wishes at all times. Even when she won't let them through the kitchen at meal time or out their pet door at other crucial times.
Sarah also hates other Cat Lovers: Lisa, Karen, Kayla.
All fun aside. This year is such an important time to vote. I, for one, am glad that Iraq is the main issue. It should be. The War on Terror. If we don't get that one, the others aren't even going to matter.
Thus another important site: LT. Wade Zirkel . On this, the Marine gives his views, but there are others as well. It is non-partisan.
Operation Iraqi Freedom, is co-founder and executive director of Vets for Freedom, established in January 2006 as a "nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the unbiased, nonpartisan truth of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan to educate the public and mobilize public support for the Global War on Terror." [1]
Let's also keep in mind: things are tense near voting time. Tempers flair, TV is redundant, unless someone messes up REALLY Bad (and haven't they just...) and of course gossip and editorial comments are rampant.
Cool then...Today, we're still free!
Please vote responsibly.
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