Another Uncle

Writings and musings on the eccentric beauty of sacrifice. Come journey and write with us. We are resolved to capture something positive in a troubled world and laugh when we can along the way. This, then, is dedicated in Loving Memory to LCpl. Aaron C. Austin, USMC KIA Fallujah, Iraq on April 26, 2004. Rock On...
It's hard for me to pick a favorite for I love every one of these pictures posted today. I guess this one is so special because Aaron was home from his first tour and we were enjoying the pool, patio and dancing at our house. I'll never forget you and Aaron dancing to Tupac's "Momma". I am so glad that we had that time together. I'll never forget how happy we were, and I'll never stop missing you Aaron Cole.
Happy Birthday Marines! Hoorah!
Gotta be my favorite!
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