March 31, 2003 was one of those days that emotions ran high.
Sharing: 2 of 4 records the birds and their message of life to me on this day, which tumbled over (in red ) to the next day, April 1.
How strange that on these exact days, one year later, things got so bad in Fallujah. It was March 31, 2004 that the four contractors were strung up. The photos were in the next day's news. April Fool's Day. Aaron was killed 26 days after the contractors.

we're going to be away from computers for a bit. we'll write when we get back.
I'll be here waiting. I love you guys. Stay safe. You're in my heart and prayers. You all are in all of ours.
Semper Fi,
Mom De'on
Hey de'on,
After reading my eyes watered a bit but it made me think about a time aaron and I were to together in OIF I. I was out patroling and Aaron had stayed back to hold the lines with his trusty 240. Well I walked into friendly lines I remember "doc" telling me that I didn't look so good. Thats about the last thing I remember before I hit the deck. When i came back to I was next to Aaron and he was holding my I.V. bag and keeping watch down the road. Well thought that I was really losing it becuase I could have seen a camel tied to the sand bag bunker before I hit the ground when I told Aaron that he started laughing. He told me that he had bought the camel off of some iraqi for a few MREs. Aaron had told me that he was going to keep him as a pet. After awhile my plt sgt. Ssgt wlech had seen that Aaron had him tied up and told him to get rid of the camel. Thinking about that put a big smile on my face. I miss him so much I just wish there was more I could then just miss him.
Sgt. Rett
Oh, Sgt. Rett
I know. He was so fun...I miss that. We have some funny stories to share, don't we? They told that camel story at his funeral.
At the luncheon with his section in Nov 2004, Gunny Sgt. Dinwoodie told us about Aaron with his shirt off, trying to get a suntan before pushing into Fallujah. Gunny said, "It's not a good thing when the Sgt. Major is hollering, IS AUSTIN YOURS?!?"
The Mushrooms are funny.
I'm worried about everbody tonight. You couldn't have picked a better time to post.
Did you see where Steve got his visa approved? Do you come here regularly? I'm sure my questions about Fallujah will become more focused as we begin to move forward on this.
What was left standing in the Jolan District after that Monday? Did they finish it off in November? The house where Aaron was shot on the roof--I'll want to know as specifically as possible, even if the structures are gone so that Steve can be in there the shortest time possible. I'd like some soil from where Aaron bled.
Do you know anyone that could help?
Gosh, it's good to hear from you!
I love you, Sgt. Rett. I did a couple of Internet Radio things about the blog and Aaron on corpsblogger radio. One this morning and one 2 weeks ago. I'm glad to be connected to Marines again. To troops. To you.
Do you hear from any others? How's Doc? Cruz e-mailed me a couple of times.
Take care and Always Faithful!
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