Sunday, March 04, 2007


When Aaron first learned that he and Tiff had lost their baby, three years ago today, he was bawling so hard when he called me that I could barely make out what he was saying. When he repeated himself, he was nearly shouting. That was perhaps the hardest place I've ever been in. My son, broken-hearted and in Kuwait, waiting to begin his 2nd tour in Iraq. Me, in Lovington, NM, unable to patch or fix one darn thing--after years and tears of trying to fix everything.

The delay in the phone, the cracking of Aaron's voice, the call lasted no more than three minutes and ended with, "I gotta go, Mom. I have to give a class and I don't want the Marines seeing me crying."

At the end of the day, all I could do was call Tiffany in Phoenix, send a plant, record it in my Bible, and pour my heart out to him in a letter that would take 2-3 weeks to arrive. At the last minute, I grabbed a card no larger than 2"x 2" that said, GOD NEVER CLOSES ONE DOOR WITHOUT OPENING ANOTHER. It was a little card we picked up off the table at the Methodist Church here for his Senior Breakfast.

I put that card in with the letter. It was one of the things that came back to me and is now in Zach's possesion to pass down to Weston.

I can think of no better way to close with a last post here at this address, than to share those words with you.

Truly, one of the comforts is that I know that Aaron holds my grandchild, a boy I think, in his arms even now.

Join us now in opening a new door to the same place that's been home to me since early October 2006. The URL is simple:
and it is still and will forever be Gunz Up.

Semper Fi,


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful farewell to this blog and a beginning of a new one. Thank you for this. I have changed my links...

De'on Miller said...

Thank you, dear friend. Faithful friend.